Some of my interests!
Just want to start a correspondence!
Its been raining on and off with some real down pores mostly at night. So fare I've been OK with just sky shoes
and a relay big golfing tip umbrella. The snow shows are wide souls and there really good in the mud. Things get
really mudie whine ever it rains a lot. Like it did in early January and agen the last 3 or 4 days. It has been a relatively
worm rain. In the rain most people around hear just whare sandals, shorts and Hawaiian shirt. It sounds strange and even
looks stranger if you are not use to seeing it. The first time I saw some one dressed like that in the rain I thought they
where nuts. However after I got soaked and wet in side my heave rain slicker. Like the ones we would wearer on mt Shasta from
condensation. I gave it a try. Actually if you don't ware Cotton underwear or any socks you really don't need an umbrella.
On account that your body will heat generate enough heat to dry out your tropical attar while you wear them. It may not have
made the news anywhere elce but California has gotten 32 inches of rain this season as of yesterday and it must have rain
another inch last night. The all time record for Calif. is 38 inches in 1880 something. Looks like we just may brake
that all time record these year. Well I have my snow shoes and umbrella. My tent is on some really high ground. During
the El Neno years there is a pound abut a 1/4 mile wide that just kind of materializes cloues by my base camp. However we
most not have gotten any monsuens lately because the pound has just kind of started to form and then just as mistressly disappeared.
Please get in touch!
Charlie's e-mail