Wilderness Hermit Charlie's World

Wilderness Charlie's Aviatory

Spring Time
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Birds in the wildernes


I have observed that wild birds do have the able to recognize individual poaple and a long memory as well. If you have ever feed one even accidentally by leaving crumes on a pic-nic table. They well reamer when they see you agean. Sometimes miles away and years later. They will follow you for a while. At Redondo Beach High School there are a howl flock of wiled parrots that show up every school day daring the lunch periods and pick out individual students that have feed them in the past to dine with. Some times following them class room to class room during the day and evan following some students homes at the end of school each day. 
I also hapen to know that Crows will follow some people that come in to their territory and will atack them. They will squawak and dive attack. I do not know why but some people they will attack and some people they well not. I have on ocashion have come across Crows that whire holding court. They will stand around in a big cereal with 1 or 2 crows in the medal that are squawking back at all the other crows that are squawking at them. If they cents any one noticing them they will all fly of in unseen in a big squawking flock.
These morning the sun was shining and it seamed downright warm at 9:00 am. It seamed that the sun was a lot higher off the horizon and in a higher orbit than I was expecting it to be. I guess that is to be expected if one hasn't seen the sun for a while. No sooner than I got out than I heard one of the falcons letting out a loud screech. Sher enough one of my feathery falcon friend had been perched on another tall tree close to my'n. And was soring down of the tree top towards me in a big arching cecal. He got relay close to me, maybe 8 or 10 feet away before he roes and started screeching me first in large circles and then in veer smaller circles. Eventually he got relay up high making small circles directly over my head. I also noticed that the other Falcon, I cant really tell which is male and witch is female, was perched on the top of the tallest tree that canopies my base camp. Theres no mistaking that they are mates.
The mornings are the are beautiful that I cant hardly rip myself away in order to go online or get other things dune. It is getting to be every morning as I step out of the canopy of trees that covers my base camp. I am greeted by the loud shrieks of one or the other falcon that has taken up residence in, or more accurately above, the savanna in my neck of the woods. I'm not shear if its the same one each morning or if they take terns swooping down from the nearby tree. Coming with in a few feet of me before gliding past in a cereal. I suspect that it is the same falcon that has been around for a while that greets me ever morning. The other usually stays put on the other near by tree and watches for a while be for it takes of and joins in on flying in big graceful cercals some times gaining much altitude and other times staying rather low to the ground. I could watch them forever. It is a real thrall to watch especially if you know them as well as I and we know and have excepted each other in our mutual shared interment. Its kind of like inter species socialization.

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