Mountain Lion at Home at Charlie's Bace Camp |
Fortunately for me Mule Deer
are the natural pray of the Mountain lions around hear. Also the dear usually stay in the higher elevations where there are
too many Greasily Bears. Unless there has been a recant forest fire. Come to think of it November is fire season around these
parts. Anyways I've never heard of any or very seldom do Mouton Lion attack a person for food at least. I think they may think
people would not taste that good. or may be we look to much like cats to them. There is probably more of a chance of getting
attacked by sharks. You hear so much about surfers warring black wet suits getting attacked by sharks. My guess is to a shark,
a person splashing their arms and lagers around wildly look just like a wounded seal. The sharks natural pray.

Deer cautiosly visits Charle's Baes Camp |
talk with many animals in the willed all the time. As you may know most animals have a really hared time with the English
language valves. So we have to communicate in other forms partly body language, partly with grunts and Whiesels and
mostly on a telepathy wave length. One that I am not contest of but the animals are. Whine they cues to communicate
with you, you'll know it and know what they are saying, if you are lesaning.