Cats can be a source of great pleaser.

Studying to be human |
I always like pureres but meowers are the best conversation. My domesticated wilderness cat always meowed
any time he had any thing to say. Somehow I could always tell what he was trying to say. The cat hung out with me for
a few years. A few years back. He was almost all black except on his back toes and tip of his tale. He was a very fuseie
eater. Wouldn't eat sardens or grunion. In fact liver was abut all he wold eat. He was a camping cat. He would hang out
with deferent campers as long as they played with him enough. Then as soon as you dent have enough time to spend with
him he would find a norther camper. He had me trained really well. I had to what tell I was ready to leave for the day to
feed him then sneak of will he was eating. Other Wise he would fallow me to the edge of his territory. Abut a mile and half.
He always know the time and direction in which I would return and he would meet me about a mile from my camp site. Strangest
thing he would not drink watter from a bowl. Instead he would wait till morning and Iik due droplets from the grasses.
Cats have a long
memory. They do not forget people that they like. Sometimes felines have been known to return
after years of appcentses. I guess I'm lucky I know where my cat toke up radiance in my continual appcents. After I was gone
all weekend one time he just kind of desapered I know the grief a person gos thru. A few years ago the pastel service built
a really large regional postal sorting station. Just in side of the cats territory. Of cures they bring mail in and sort all
night long then all the mail is shipped out by morning. Being that cats are by neater nocturnal he naturally toke up residents
there. No dobat he has all the postal workers feeding him and getting all the petting and attention that a cat could want.
A few months after he was gone and as I continued whoring about him one day I happened to be walking by the back of the postal
soring station. A huge warehouse type place all fenced off a long ways from the building so big tractor trailers could pull
in and out all night long. When I heard a cat meowing his foul head off. I should have known that it was my wilderness cat
from his very loud, rapattious and destractive meowing. I thught the cat was meowing at me as he keep looking in my direction
as he was meowing. However he was heading across the parking lot in a 221/2% angle from me. So I follwoud as close as I could
not being able to walk up to hem because of the high fence. To my surprise he disappeared down a dry storm drain on hes side
of the fence. By the time he reaperd out of a norther storm drain by my side of the fiance I was pretty sheer that was my
cat scents my cat always used the storm drones to cross under all the rodes in his territory. And not just some other loud
mouth cat that looked like him. It was a great thrill to be able to hold and pet him agen I was just glad that he found such
a graet place to dowel. There was no mistaking it was my same cat he would plop down at my feet and let me pet him for ever.
Did I mention that he like to bite where other cats hist he would out of the blue bite. If you would hold him to long he would
relay sink his teeth in to you. Then he would not run but lay down as flat as he could and lowre his ears. I never hit or
even scolded him for biting but he was always prepared to get swated for biting. But he could not help it he was a biting
cat. Well he stoled my hart. I'm only glad he is in such a nice place for a cat to be in. I've thught about taking him home
with me but he knows his way. All I can hope for is a postal strike one that would last a long time |