Geologist Charlie |

In the wildrnees with astute Dolphin Chaser |
Did I mention that I love beaches.
I grow up on a big giant sand dun called Redondo. A small city called Redondo Beach
is built on it along with a few other bigger cities. The name Redondo is Russian for a grate big sand dun. In fact
no one knows for shear when Redondo was first settled. It is a little known fact that Russian explorers lived on our
shores and settled in Redondo hundreds of years before the Spaniards past this way. And archaeologist keep digging up Chines
artifacts from before then. Any ways there is a constant 1 to 2 miles an hour "wind" (bress). Constantly blow sand at a slow
rate of leas than a mile a year. It gos pretty much unnoticed but whear it is un-impeded. You can see it blowing along streets
and parking lots. Real low to the ground. some times in thin sweeps and other times just a grain or two at a time. It is something
that has been going on for millions of years. The beach sands that originally washed down from the mountains in to the
sea. Later pooched up by the ocean tides on the beaches are then blown over land. At the south Santa Monica Bay and travel
south east pancaking a aginst granite upcroping called the Plaice Veradis Peninsula and then in to the San Pedro bay 35 miles
a way. A lot of archaeological artifices have been inbeaded in that sand that keeps serficing in the shifting sands.
While growing up in an enviermint like that could explan why I'm a little bit stre crazd.
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