Wilderness Hermit Charlie's World

Spring time with Wilderness Hermit Charlie's in Elwood Shores

Spring Time
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Spring time
In Beautiful Downtown Nowheresville

As I was looking the other ways for a while last week all the
flowers has breasted in to bloom. I spent all day Saturday in a place called Ellwood Shores. Bountiful green fields on many bluffs over looking the Santa Barbara Channel and Islands. Lots of wild flowers and this time of year Monarch butterflies (thousands and thousands per eucalyptus tree) fluttering around everywhere. They spend the winters in the many eucalyptus trees along the coast. In a couple of weeks they will start their 900 mi. migration up the inland mountain range to Beautiful British Columbia in Canada for the summer. Then in the fall there offspring travel the same 900 mi. back to our not so cool wintering groves on the planes above the Ellwood Beach, on the California shores.

Outskirts of Nowheresville

These time of year all the foliage in the savanna around in my neck of the woods are green. Along with all the trees. Right now there are so many willed yellow flowers blossoming out all over the place. In fact the Chines how uset to mine around hear before the Russian explores and trappers settled the place call it Gold Hill because whine they sailed by California and landed in the spring, sumer and fall months all the hills ware a golden Color because not only are the hills covert with deferent yellow flowers in the spring. By sumer all the coastal hills which are covered mostly by large roiling savannas start to dry out and the dead stakes all tern a golden yellow all sumer thou the fall. Of course the Chines only saild by and landed during good wither on the
Pacific sea routes. November is the time of year when we get the hottest temps. Hot air descends on us from the great Sonora Desert and we are in the gripes of willed fires season. Whine lighting naturally ignites all the foliage that grow all winter and spring that has been drying out all sumer. The ashes from all the willed fires then chemical activates the soils. Witch makes the nutrients with in it more accessible for the next
generation on planets and foliages. Witch in tern starts growing as soon as we get the first rains of winter. Some times as early as November or December grasses and foliage starts shutting up out of the ashes. Everything starts terning green all over agin.

Bicycle at the edge of Charlies wilderness

Last night as I sate cross legged, Indian style.
Under the branches of my favorite Canary Palm tree. In rolling castal hills with the sound of ocean serf in my ear and a very pleasant breeze on my face, visions (imaginary) flouting in my head of all the people how have e-maild me as a result of this web site. I never thought I would be in communications with so many others how enjoy the same things I do. Knowing that others think of rooming freely
make all my wilderness Camping life style somehow all seam worthwhile.

Bicycle at the edge of Charlies wilderness